Dorothy Birth
Out Of The Dark

1. Out Of The Dark*
2. Where I Stand*
3. Falling Apart
4. Counting Leaves
(*Recommended for radio)
Indietronica, Art Pop
Release Date
23 February 2018
Artist links:
The soundtrack to Dorothy Bird ’s life plays constantly in her head. Everyday sounds, the beating of a hammer, the dripping of a tap, all wind themselves into the songs that ebb and flow through her mind. “When I was a kid, people in the street often looked at me strangely or puzzled because I always sang – any melodies that came to my head, mostly without realizing it.” Growing up between Berlin and Sofia in Bulgaria, Dorothy spent her much of her childhood at the piano before studying music in Bremen at Hochschule für Künste. The melodic ideas that would distract her as a child have developed into a life-long wandering of her fingers across the keyboard. Her songs – warm, delicate and hopeful – draw on a deep emotio. In combination with elements of electronica they evoke comparisons with Björk, Portishead, Daughter and Goldfrapp.
Recorded in Liverpool and Berlin, Dorothy Bird ’s new Out Of The Dark E.P. ventures from her familiar acoustic surrounds and into the worlds of art pop and indietronica. While the focus remains on her voice and her lyrics the musical landscapes are now defined by analogue synthesizers, electronic rhythms and the interplay of acoustic and electronic instruments. The result is a combination of the intimate and the epic, of deep sub basses and warm, shimmering vocals. “I wanted to be more honest with myself and to show more of myself, with all the strength and fragility, with all the hope that remains despite the more difficult experiences in life, all the love that lives in me”
Full Discography:
Out Of The Dark (2018)
Singularity (Single) (2018)
Flowers (Single)(2017)
Falling Awake (EP)(2015)